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Tuesday 14 June 2011

Baby Sarjo

Baby Sarjo is doing just fine. She is so small and cute! Sometimes Isatou (her mother) will feed her and then leave her at my house for a couple of hours to sleep. I have a mosquito net permanently fixed in my bedroom so I place little Sarjo underneath it (mosquito nets are readily available here and most people have them but just don’t use them. It's quite frustrating as malaria is a big killer especially amongst children! Somebody here once told me that he thinks people don’t utilise the nets because they are given them for free and therefore never really appreciate their value, he believes that if people were sold them for a small price or were told to go and collect them, rather than just distributing them, then people would be more inclined to use them as they have put an effort into their acquisition. I don't know if that is true or not but I have seen mosquito nets in many Gambian houses and yet most of the people who have them admit to not sleeping underneath them).

Anyway little Sarjo often spends a few hours a day in my house lying on my bed under the security of my mosquito net. It's also an opportunity for Sarjo to get some undisturbed sleep as one of her big sisters (Bakaddy who is about 3) keeps prodding her and squeezing her face and fingers. It often begins under the guise of affection but if you watch Bakaddy carefully you can see that the 'gentle' stroke quickly turns into a jealous pinch!!

So I’ve decided to post a few more pictures of beautiful (bald) Sarjo!

Bless her!

Sarjo on my bed

What a cutie!!

Safe on the bed but not asleep!! Sarjo prefers to be held!

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