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Saturday, 19 November 2011

Men and their machines

Recently I went to one of the villages where Nfamara has been working. The village is called Kerr Kartim and is very close to the Senegalese border. SWAMI (the company which Nfamara works for) have been contracted to do the digging in preparation for a water pipe. Currently the villagers have to get all their water from wells but in the next few days they should have a water supply and some taps ('pumpo' in Mandinka).

The village is inhabited by a Wolof community and is very traditional and picturesque (that's if you look past the industrial machinery currently working there!) The people in Kerr Kartim seem really nice and friendly and lots of children came out to look at me! One of the villagers made me a cup of tea!

I took a few pictures of Nfamara at work and even had a little go myself! I think I filled more of the hole in than digging it out though!

That's Nfamara sat in the machine to the front of the picture

The pipe going into the hole

A nice straight line

Nfamara in action

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to take fresh clean running water for granted.
    No wonder the community were pleased to see you. xx
