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Friday, 12 August 2011

A year in The Gambia!

Today is my one year anniversary in The Gambia. It has been such a wonderful life-changing experience. The year has had its ups and downs but I thank the Lord for the opportunity to be here and the many blessings that have been put before me.

Thanks to all my friends and family who have been sending me packages, cards, gifts and also those following the blog and sharing their interest in my 'adventure'.

Thank you EVERYBODY and thank you Gambia!!!


  1. Happy anniversary Vixie!
    We miss you lots, but think you're amazing for doing what you do.
    Keep it up
    Love Lucy, Jon and Hannah

  2. Well done darling. We miss you so much but we are really proud of you.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

    Take care,

    Mum xx

  3. Didn't realise you had gone till I happened to see this blog - any chance of you sending me that fiver that you owe me? Where is the Gambia? Always remember - if at first you don't succeed, hide all the evidence that you ever tried.

    George Tryon (Admiral - retired)

  4. Hi there,

    Your dad told me about your adventure and that you had a blog and I can tell you I'm more than impressed. You are really brave and I'm happy to get a glimpse of your adventure. Take care.

    María (Spain)

  5. Dear Vicky, I was out with your mum today and she asked me if was keeping up with your blog, so I thought that I better have a look and see how you are getting on. It seems as if you have been away for ages yet it really is only a year since we all met at Clumber for that super picnic. Hope we can do it again when you come home! Everyone misses you and at family occasions you are specially in our thoughts. I'm glad that you are happy and thoroughly enjoying your Gambian sojourn. As I have said countless times before, you are the most positive person I know. Take care. We are all looking forward to seeing you at christmas,love, Aunty Jen x
