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Friday 7 October 2011

Baby baby-sitting!

When I returned from work today, little Kaddy was playing with her baby sister Sarjo (almost 5 months old now!) and also with Mama (from Ceesay Kunda). They all looked really cute so I couldn't resist taking a picture!!

Kaddy (sat down), Sarjo (sat between Kaddy's legs) and Mama.

Happy Mama! (Mama is a similiar age to my niece Hannah. Watching Mama change so much in the 14 months that I've been here always makes me think about Hannah).


  1. What cuties!
    It's nice to see how good the children are with each other. xx

  2. (big sister) Lucy24 October 2011 at 22:14

    Love that pic.
    You'll see Hannah soon too!
    Lucy x
