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Friday 7 October 2011

Brewing from an early age!

Lots of people here love 'attayah' (the green tea) and everywhere you go you will see people (usually men) sitting under a mango tree with their friends, drinking attayah. (Some women do drink it but they rarely sit and brew it, they'll often let then men brew and then take a glass or two at the compound whilst getting on with their daily chores).

Men of all ages seem to like attayah and once you get talking to people about it you will discover that individuals have their favourite brands of green tea and their particular way of brewing it.

Well last week I was at Sonko Kunda (Nfamara's compound) and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw little Ee-be (Ebrima) tendering to the hot coals and brewing attayah!! Ee-be is about 4 and though his tea is not to the taste of the adults at Sonko Kunda, his lukewarm, extra sugary version seems to go down a treat with the other children on the compound!

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