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Friday, 29 July 2011

Toilet Trained

The other day I went out to my latrine in the morning to find a pile of poo in the corner. Yes - a pile of poo! It was animal droppings of some sort but a whole pile of them altogether, very strange indeed.

I'm no expert in animal droppings but after close examination (not too close) and a discussion with my neighbour, I think the poo belongs to a lizard. However neither of us have any ideas why there would be so much of it and why it would all be concentrated in one place.

So the poo was in the corner of the latrine and as my back yard area is more like a nature reserve with every species of rodent, lizard and insects attempting to set up home there, I have come up with a theory about the pile of poo - I think that a lizard was backed into the corner by another animal (maybe a bigger lizard, rat or even cat - yes I’ve had cats in my back yard area) and then literally shit himself with fear! Hence the pile of poo!

Obviously this is only a theory and unless I catch the perpetrator in the act I will never actually know however I was impressed that the animal that left the droppings had the decency to do them in the latrine area!

And a story like this would only be half a story without pictures...

The pile of poo (droppings)

The poo in the corner of the latrine area (just to give you a bit of size perspective)!


  1. This is an hilarious story although a little too graphic. The last photo helped indeed to reassure me. xx

  2. That is funny. I like the close-up and the far-out shot, to give perspective - you are very artisitic when it comes to shit!
    Love Lucy x

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