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Wednesday 27 October 2010

The Ceesay compound (Ceesay Kunda)

I've been trying to take pictures of all the people who live on the compound with the hope of devising a final version HOWEVER this is proving impossible because at different times of the year there are different family members here.

These pictures were all taken around September and since then most of the people have remained but some have left and more have returned. Therefore I have missed quite few people out (children mainly). 

Anyway, the top row shows Dad and then Step-dad, followed by Dad's two wives and then Step-dad's two wives. The next few rows are their children (in no specific order). There are more children than this but some are grown up and have left the compound and others are studying or live elsewhere (Dad has two sons in America). 

The last few rows show the people who rent on the compound (Paul and I included). I will try to update this and take photos of some of the people who I now see daily but just haven't photographed yet!!


  1. How cute is that little one - 3rd row up from bottom, 2nd from left. Looks cheeky!

  2. Great pictures. Everyone looks so friendly. xx

  3. that's a great family tree in pictures. who is the lady above the little girl lucy pointed out?
    cath x
