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Thursday 14 October 2010

The croc disaster!

I will keep this as brief as possible as not to relive the horrors of that fateful night. As the title suggests there was a ‘disaster’ that involved a croc. I will temporarily relieve your anxiety by telling you that no individual was left physically hurt by this incident and it did not involve a large green coloured animal but in fact a small black shoe – a croc.

On the evening of Saturday 9th October I (Vicky Anderson/Kaddy Ceesay) went out to the pit latrine wearing two black crocs, one on each foot. After concluding my business in the pit I fumbled slightly with my clothing and accidently knocked one of my crocs into the latrine.

It was too dark and far too dangerous (so many bugs, frogs, mice, rats and lizards around) to address the matter that evening so I had to resign myself to investigating the possibility of a croc rescue mission the following morning. Needless to say I had a restless night.

Early the next morning, I spent a considerable amount of time on my hands and knees peering into my latrine. I located the croc and using a coat hanger and piece of string I embarked on a rescue mission. Sadly to no avail. With a pain in my heart I accepted that the croc was lost forever and sealed its fate by completing my morning ‘business’.

The only good thing about this whole story (because really it was a disaster and a great tragedy as I used the crocs on a daily basis, they were my house shoes and they were only a few months old and they were actually ‘crocs’ – not replicas!!) is the fact that my crocs were black so therefore I have to really focus to see the one in the latrine and hopefully in time I will come to forget it is there! (Will have to hide the other though as it serves as a constant reminder!)

The remaining croc by the latrine (a very sad sight indeed - was almost reduced to tears taking this picture)


  1. This story was initially terrifying, but thankfully,hilarious once I realised you weren't the victim of a reptilian attack.
    If you had bigger feet it wouldn't have fitted down the hole! xx

  2. Hiya Vix

    What a bugger!

    Probably one of the most unique methods of losing a shoe that I've heard of!

    I'll send you some more for your birthday- what size are you?
    Is It 5?

    Big Love Simone xx

  3. Vicky,

    Sorry about your croc...but hilarious story. I can picture you on your knees looking for the lost "croc."

    Are you using Skype over there?


