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Wednesday 27 October 2010

Nathan's haircut

At the weekend, Nathan (the peace corp based in Kerewan) came over to the house asking if I would give him a haircut. Initially I was really excited; the idea of taking scissors and snipping away at his hair (Edward Scissor Hands-like) filled me with delight. 

I soon came back down to earth though and felt duty bound to tell Nathan that I had little to no experience in cutting hair and the only time I had attempted it (once at Uni) it was a disaster and became one of the contributing factors to the demise of a friendship.

However this was Nathan that I was talking to and he didn’t seem overly concerned about my slight lapse in confidence. So off I went to Nathan's house where the cutting commenced.

It took me a while at first to regain my spark (the evil friend at uni had deterred me from cutting hair ever again) and then I was off. Snip, snip, snip. It was so much fun, I really did feel like I knew what I was doing.

Once I had completed both Nathan and I were pleased with the cut! I did however spend the rest of the day looking at his hair when we were talking and once, mid-conversation I even gave it an extra snip!

What a huge success!! SO I have posted some pictures to show a BEFORE and AFTER cut so you can see my handy work. Incidentally Nathan's facial expression was a little, should we say 'vacant' on the first picture therefore adding to the contrast on the second!

Nathan BEFORE the haircut

Nathan AFTER the haircut


  1. That is mega! Looks like you know what you're doing! Nathan looks proper pleased with himsen. x

  2. wow its a great cut - hes gorgeous too. xx

  3. I hope it wasn't just an excuse to get him to take his shirt off!

  4. Nicky Clarke eat your heart out. It look's way cool!
