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Thursday 28 October 2010

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

I have just finished reading a wonderful book called 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell'. It was very long (1006 pages!) but as I was approaching the end of it I felt that it wasn’t long enough and I wanted it to go on forever. In fact now that I have finished reading it I feel a little lost!

I don’t really want to talk about it too much just in case any of you decide to read it! It was just wonderful!!

MUM – I really think you should buy it and read it. I’m sure that you will like it and I would love to talk to you about it.

Anyway the book was recommended to me some time ago by a wonderfully insightful man called Martin Fallon (I am so pleased that he shared it with me that I believe it is important to credit him in this way). Initially he lent me a hardback version of the book (which was huge) but I just didn’t have the time to read it. So I purchased a paperback version and took it to The Gambia with me.

Now I would never want to accuse Martin of being in anyway cynical HOWEVER just to prove that the book actually made it to The Gambia I have gone to the trouble of taking some pictures as ‘evidence’. Should Martin doubt that I have read the book (which I’m sure he wouldn’t) I would be thrilled to talk to him about it!!!


  1. Hi Vix
    thought i would comment so u know im thinking of u. the pics prove u took the book and u have made me feel like reading it.

    how r things going???

    Love Phil

  2. Just cos you've took pix doesn't prove you've read it but,I believe you.As for me reading a book with all those pages, well I'd need a long holiday!

  3. hi vix,

    great set of pix & lovely people; loads of people at St Joseph's are asking about you, can we send an article to Hallam News

    luv dad

  4. Hi Vicky, as the person who introduced you to the world of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell I am feeling pretty smug right now.
    I do wonder whether you have actually read it! This would be a pretty elaborate stunt. I hope you pass it on to the other people you come into contact with. There is a slight health warning with this; I have recommended to over 50 people and you are the second person to have enjoyed it and the third to have finished it! The other 47 don't speak to me anymore (i include my wife in this!)
    Kind Regards
