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Wednesday 6 October 2010

Fun and Games

An action shot! Boys in the compound enjoying playing with the ball that Lucy sent
Bubble madness on my porch!! The children love these (thanks again Lucy). Going to have to start making my own solution though because they've got through all 3 bottles!!

Basi and little sister Kaddy playing on my bike

Children playing outside the compound. They use plants to create a 'high jump' style game

Me and Paul (picture taken at work at the Regional Education Office)


  1. What lovely pictures. You look so well and happy and it's great to see the children playing with the bubbles. Miss you. Keep up with the blog when you can. xxx

  2. Sounds like you're busy. i like it when you post pictures, looks like the bubbles went down well!

    cathy x

  3. Hi Vix,

    Thanks for sharing some more of your photographs, it was great to see you looking so well in the last one, despite what you were saying about waking up during the night.

    Sorry to hear you have been working so late and that the heat and humidity is so unbearable.
    It is difficult to image what the conditions are really like, so we look forward to your updates with interest.

    Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Take care.

    Love Cait & Fil x

  4. Dear Kaddy, only you could make it sound like a four star hotel. Glyn wants us to go away in the caravan for a few days and I've been moaning about the cold,having to be a bit uncomfortable etc. You make me feel ashamed! You are such a positive person. Don't ever change. I would love to send the children some stuff. What would go down well do you think? More bubbles? Let me know. Love you and miss you, Aunty Jen x

  5. Hi Vix

    i would love to send the kids something - will that be possible. would they like writing sets??? or just let me know xxxxxx


  6. Great pics and lots of happy faces! Nice blog by the way.
