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Thursday 11 November 2010

Do you know where you're coming from?

Since arriving in his accommodation in Kerewan, Nathan has been painting a picture on one of the walls in his house. Nathan is a wonderful artist (even came to The Gambia with paints!!) and has a background in graphic design and the painting on his wall is technically and artistically impressive HOWEVER the subject of the painting is somewhat 'dark' to say the least.

It depicts (so far as it's a work in progress) a monkey painting a picture of a machine that appears to be producing human internal organs. There is a ribcage central to the picture and various arteries connected to different parts of the machine. There is also a rather evil looking emaciated monkey in the picture who is eating a human brain?

As I said before the actual artwork is superb though the content is a little disturbing. When he has completed it (which might not be for a long time as it’s so huge and detailed) I will be sure to take some pictures and put them on the blog!

Anyway, as Nathan knew that my birthday was approaching he offered to paint me a picture of some sort (I think he meant on paper but I decided to take advantage of his kind offer and suggest that he paint something on one of the walls in my house for me)! Nathan was most obliging and once I told him what I wanted he began work the following day. Needless to say I decided not to have the brain-eating monkey and went for something much more British!

It took two days to complete and he really did do a wonderful job! All the visitors to my house have been suitably impressed though very few actually know what it is!


  1. Wow that's fantastic! Hope your landlord doesn't mind. Happy Birthday for the 13th November, darling. xx

  2. Great picture. Adds some colour to the room.
    You're looking nice and golden yourself.

  3. Dear Vicky, Is that a head torch artist Nathan is sporting in the picture? Jackie will be well impressed! It certainly makes for a different birthday present! You seem to be doing very well and I love the photo Lucy has sent me of you in a lovely blue headress. I hope you had a memorable birthday. Any Christmas plans?
    Thinking of you and wishing you happy, love, Aunty Jen x
    PS We have had liitle visitors again at Welham.
    Have you managed to oust yours?

  4. Hi Vix

    the moral is fab - send him round to mine when he gets back to blighty. for painting of course he is sooo gorgeous think i have a crush ha ha ha.

    is that a bottle of voddy in the background???

    Love Phil xxxxxx

  5. typical British... one way or another you just had to "put up a flag"!

    Eddie Izarrd would be proud.

    cathy x

  6. It's been nearly a year. Where is the brain-eating monkey you promised us?
