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Monday 22 November 2010

My birthday party!

Recently it was my birthday and I had a wonderful birthday party courtesy of Paul and Nathan.

Paul had prepared a 'pass-the-parcel' made out of layers of carrier bags (paper is quite hard to come by!) and in each layer there was a forfeit and an accompanying object (linked to the forfeit). It was fantastic and really good fun. We changed the music every time we started passing the parcel and the person who held the parcel when the words of a track began had to unwrap a layer.

The forfeits were entertaining and one of the highlights was when Paul had to drink a 'milk based cocktail' (the accompanying object was a milk sachet)! The final layer of the parcel was a special prize just for me! Paul had carefully arranged little plastic packets of whiskey across three sheets of (precious) paper to spell out my name! It was wonderful - very artistic!!

After pass-the-parcel we played a card game called 'The Kings Cup'. It involved quite a lot of drinking and was really good fun (definitely one I’ll be teaching people when I return to England)!! After the Kings Cup we moved onto 'pin the tail on the donkey'. (Nathan had very kindly drawn a donkey, made some tails and provided a blindfold though given the way animals are sometimes treated here I’m sure nobody would have protested if we had actually tried to pin a tail on a real donkey)!

Needless to say by the time we played 'pin the tail on the donkey' we had all had a few drinks and finding the right spot was difficult but fun. Finally we played a few games of poker (can't really remember too much about that though)!!

It was a truly excellent birthday!

Paul drinking the milk-based cocktail

Nathan opening 'pass-the-parcel'

My whiskey prize!!

Me (totally sober)

The party-goers!!!

Ready to play 'The King's Cup'

The donkey is behind you Nathan!

The donkey!!

1 comment:

  1. Vix

    Wot a party one you willl certainly remember. r u sure u were sober???

    ha ha love Phil xxx
