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Tuesday 23 November 2010

The silence of the rams!

Well Tobaski and has been and gone and a wonderful time was had by all (humans that is - it wasn’t such a great time for livestock, particularly rams)! I have to admit that the title of my post was not an original idea, it was just something that another VSO told me and I found it really funny!

Some friends from Kombo came to stay in Kerewan for Tobaski to experience 'up-country' living (life in the Kombos is quite a unique Gambian experience)!

It was a great few days. One evening we made a fire on the pier and the men even went in the river (on reflection this was not a very sensible thing for them to do but they had been alcohol-fuelled and they were grown men so who am I to protest?  - Also there was a quite a bit of nakedness involved!!)

The actual slaughtering of the rams was pretty smooth too. Some of the males from the compound held them down whilst step-dad swiftly slit its throats and then broke its neck. They slaughtered five in total. They laid their bodies on sheets of metal from the compound then skinned and butchered them as soon as they had killed the last ram (not the most hygienic environment but I’m not complaining)!

During the slaughterer people gathered round to watch and then afterwards people took bits of meat (as well as intestines, brains and other internal organs) and began to cook. One lady from the compound very kindly cooked a huge plate of rice with meat for me and 'my strangers' (that's what the people on the compound call people who come to visit!)

Later that evening (after my 'strangers' had left), I was given an African traditional outfit to wear so that I could attend the evening meat-eating session!!! People were very impressed with my outfit (so was I to be honest, it was an excellent fit and I was a bit sad to have to return it! I think I’m going to copy the design and have a similar outfit made for special occasions) and I also put on some beads that a neighbour gave me as a birthday present! I was a very Gambian experience and an excellent one at that.

The first ram to be slaughtered (this was the biggest). Step-dad watches as the boys firmly hold it down

Step-dad moves in and takes his position

The cutting

The rams head is sort of twisted (i assume this is to ensure that it is dead)
It's dead now (but for a good 5 mins afterwards it did random kicks etc -  maybe muscle spasms?)

About to do ram number three (note the others behind)!

Close-up. Ready for action

The cut is made

I love this picture, it shows step-dad waiting for the last ram to be carried over but the way he is stood with the knife and the dead rams around him is classic! Should add the caption: don't mess with step-dad!

Here are the guys getting the metal sheets (ready for the 'butchering')

Step-dad begins to skin the ram

All family member join in

There's really not much left when they have finished.

And now for something totally different!!! Me in my Tobaski clothes! Very Gambian!


  1. .

    Hi Vicky,

    We wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday!!!

    It sounds like you had a fun birthday celebration with your friends.

    It was also really nice to read about the artwork on your wall, we are glad that you are making the place more homely.

    We will continue to check your blog regularly and get so excited when you post your updates on what you have been up to and how you are.

    All our love.

    Take care,

    Love Cait and Fil x


  2. Hi Vix

    enjoyed the text but not the horrific pics. oooh vix you've got a strong stomach.

    You look great in the outfit - will you be able to get one made for you???

    hows work going??


  3. Hiya Vixie
    Love the outfit (thanks for the copy sent to 162!) as I said before.
    Love your pics too - they really help the reader get a vivid picture for the celebrations. Fascinating stuff.

  4. Hi vix hope you are well you look very baeutiful in your new clothes.
    do you have a postal address?
    Josh goes back to his mum on sunday 5th dec
    take care
    love you loads becks x x

  5. Wow pretty gruesome. You look pretty in your regalia. The same photo is displayed with pride on the mantlepiece in 162. Missing you loads
