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Tuesday 9 November 2010

Fajara War Cemetery

At the weekend I was in Kombo and decided to visit the Fajara War Cemetery. I've walked past it several times and have always intended to have a look around but for various reasons it just hasn't been convenient. However this weekend as I walked past I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the urge to spend some time there.

As I opened the gate and stepped inside it was like entering a new world! The noise and hustle and bustle of the street seemed to stop (or at least I became oblivious to it).

It's a fascinating little place and I was surprised to see that there are actually 63 British soldiers buried there! Check out the link below.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission


  1. sometimes cemetaries are a good place to go and reflect on LIFE aren't they and remember that this isn't a rehearsal.

    Bit serious but true xxxxx

  2. Hi Vicky,

    We just wanted to let you know that we are all so proud of you and think of you lots.

    We look forward to reading about your adventures and learning about what a fascinating country the Gambia is.

    Take care.

    Love Cait and Fil xxx


  3. Hi Vix
    Interesting. It's easy to forget how many people - in all corners of the world - sacrificed so much for the liberties we take for granted today.
    I like the comment posted by 'Anonymous' - very poignant.
    Lucy x
