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Tuesday 9 November 2010

Rams for Tobaski

Next week people in The Gambia will be celebrating Tobaski. (click on word for more information)

As part of the celebration rams are slaughtered and the number and size of the ram(s) that you have determines your family/compound wealth. Some families can't afford a ram others can only afford a small ram or a sheep but I’ve been told several times that nobody should be without meat so therefore wealthy families give some of their meat to poorer families (whether this actually happens and how much they give I  really don’t know).

Well Ceesay Kunda is a considered wealthy compound (something that Dad and Step-dad are very proud of) and Paul tells me that last year they slaughtered 5 rams!!! Paul also told me that the slaughtering of the rams last year made him feel quite 'uneasy'. They are killed on the compound one at a time and I’m told that it's a bloody affair!  It's a special event and everybody on the compound comes to watch (Paul also said that some of the children do impressions of the dying rams?!!!)

Well a couple of nights ago I heard some strange noises from outside so I went to see what was going on. The men of the family were 'ushering' some rams into the compound (5 for Ceesay Kunda and about 6 for the shopkeeper to sell). They were big rams with impressive looking horns and some of the women told me that they must be from Senegal. (I've noticed here that everything grand, expensive, different, extravagant etc is believed to have come from Senegal)!

As I went to have a closer look at the rams I couldn’t help but feel a little bit sorry for them! They only have about a week left now!!!

For the actual Tobaski celebrations I have some friends coming over from Kombo (Tom, Berni, Pete and two of Pete's friends from England). They want to experience compound life during Tobaski (the slaughtering of the rams included) and Nathan has very kindly offered to help me accommodate them all.

Little do they know! Or do they????


  1. Hi Vix

    I just wouldn't be able to watch. I saw it on a programme once and had to turn away. thats the time i consider for a second i consider being veggie but bacon butties soon come back to my mind..

    Love Phil

  2. Dear Vicky, just spent an enjoyable ten minutes catching up with your news. We've been away to Scotland for a break,which was very welcome.Just got back in time as it's snowing up there now! I was wondering if the children would like to have a go at some collage? I could send you some bright bits of stuff and some glue, glitter etc if you think it would be practical to do so. Please let me know. I'd like to do something to help. I've sent you a birthday card and so hope it arrives in time.
    I'm just off to meet your mum. We are going to make Advent wreaths at Church.Take care, love, Aunty Jen x

  3. Vix
    I don't particularly envy your having to be there (and possibly participate?) in the slaying of the animals. Hope it's as quick and pain-free as possible! Nice that the meat is shared out amongst the poor. I wonder how that will work?
